TomM Gleeson

certified ‘Myofascial Release MASSAGE™’ practitioner




    Attaining a clear picture of what is occurring within the body and how to structure the approach.


    Positive change requires awareness.

    Awareness requires connection.

    Connection requires trust.


    Facilitating balance and harmony within.

    Enriching our relationship with the energetic and physical body.

Myofascial release

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Myo = Muscle

    Fascia = A type of connective tissue

    Fascia is a thin, web like tissue that envelopes and interwines our inner landscape, from just beneath the skin, to muscle bellies and fibres, right down to the periosteum of bones.

    Much in the same way the clothes we wear come to reflect the contours of our bodies over time, the ‘weave’ of our fascial network is shaped and influenced by our movements, our posture, as well as by accident, injury or surgery.

  • MRM works directly with the fascia, and given fascia is continuous throughout the body, with no breaks or hiatus, it is a global approach to bodywork.

    The strokes are slow & deliberate, gentle but firm. It is not a relaxation style, but it can be deeply soothing. Some discomfort is necessary, as the tension of fascia is alleviated. The real effects of MRM are felt afterwards, when standing once more in gravity.

    By releasing the muscle/fascial tissue, we create more ease, range and glide through movement.

  • MRM is for you if you would like:

    • Less restriction through movement, such as reaching overhead, squatting and walking.

    • Improved range of movement.

    • Reduction in chronic pain arising from repetitive strain injuries, work/life demands and other pathology

    • Improved Alignment. MRM is supportive of any alignment work, through yoga, pilates, DNS, physiotherapy, CHEK or other holistic modalities. MRM complements and amplifies the net positive effect of these and other supportive therapies.




Intention • Connection • Harmony •

Tomm Gleeson - About Tomm - Personal Portrait

About TOMM

With foundations in holistic concepts, tools and methods, buttressed by studies in anatomy and functional movement, his massage treatments facilitate a deeper understanding of the whole human being, the physical and the energetic. 

More info?

Want to know what to expect during a session? Take a peek at these frequently asked questions



“Tomm is a wealth of knowledge. being in his presence made me immediately calm, and able to let go. even after one consultation i felt like he understood my body and my patterns better than i know myself. grateful to be starting this journey with you.”

- Mollie Gray

“Highly recommended! Tomm is extremely knowledgeable in his field and especially passionate about massage, physiology, and all things movement. In just one session, he was able to relieve a niggling lower back issue.. Looking forward to the next one”

- Josh Dabadie

“Sessions with Tomm were amazing, he has a great awareness, is super knowledgeable and is very passionate. His care and support was incredible. Body felt awesome afterwards
Highly recommend!”

- Jack May

  • To synthesise and convey complex parallels of experience and life through intention and connection.


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